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COL. Goragot Promprakon
Surath Chaichompoo
Pairatana Wongnam
Prayoon Imsawasd


This research article objective is to study administrative factors affecting the success of secondary schools and create linear relationship model of administrative factors affecting the success of secondary schools. The contributor is teacher in secondary school under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, amount 480 persons. The tools used in the research were questionnaires developed by the researcher divided into 4 parts, which are part 1, leadership opinions, part 2 Status of opinions about organizational culture, part 3: Status of opinions about organizational commitment and part 4: state of opinions regarding administrative achievement of secondary schools. Analyze basic data of observable variables consisting of average, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis. Analyze the correlation coefficient between latent variables used in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis to verify the validity of the latent variable measurement model and check the consistency of the hypothesis model with the empirical data By using SPSS program and assess the suitability of the model. The results of the data analysis showed that administrative factors affecting the success of secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, there are 3 factors which are leadership factors organizational culture factors and organizational commitment factors. A model of causal relationships that are effective in the achievement of secondary school under the Office of the Basic Education Commission There are 3 factors which directly influence the success of secondary schools, namely leadership organizational culture factors and organizational commitment factors without statistical significance. Factors that indirectly influence the success of secondary schools are 2 factors which are leadership indirectly influenced the achievement of secondary schools through organizational culture with statistical significance at the level of .05 through commitment to the organization without statistic significance and organizational culture indirectly influenced the achievement of secondary schools through organizational commitment without statistically significant.

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How to Cite
Promprakon, C. G., Chaichompoo, S., Wongnam, P., & Imsawasd , P. (2020). ADMINISTRATIVE FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(3), 144–155. retrieved from
Research Article


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