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Rattana Sanitnoi
Narong Pimsan
SiriKarn Tanawutpornpinit


The objective of this research article was to develop the academic management model of Trilingual Kindergarten School. The research was conducted by studying quantitative and qualitative data, which divided into 3 steps as follows: Step 1: Study the state and management guidelines of the academic study in Trilingual Kindergarten School. Data were collected from questionnaires from 120 samples comprising Thai, English, Chinese teachers and those involved in trilingual school administration of primary level in the northern region (9 provinces) under the Office of the Private Education Commission for the academic year 2018 and interviewing experts about the academic administration guidelines of the school teaching three languages at the primary level of 12 students. Part 2 was to develop the academic work of the Primary Trilingual School using interviews with 12 experts development experts to verify the validity and suitability of the themes. Step 3 was experimental and evaluation model of academic administration of Trilingual Kindergarten School by using a 5-level rating scale questionnaire to collect data from 24 samples consisting of private school administrators, private school administration, specialist teaching and learning specialist, private school board of education in the early childhood. The tools used for data collection were a semi-structured interview and questionnaires. The statistics used in the quantitative data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data obtained from the interviews and open-ended questionnaire were enabled for content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1) results of overall and each aspect according to the state of academic administration of Trilingual Kindergarten School have shown at high level in practice. 2) The academic administration model of Trilingual Kindergarten School consisted of two components: (1) the academic administration of Trilingual Kindergarten School in eight areas, and (2) the administrative process. 3) The overall results of the assessment of the feasibility and usefulness of the academic administration model of Trilingual Kindergarten School found that the possibilities and usefulness were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sanitnoi, R., Pimsan, N., & Tanawutpornpinit, S. (2020). ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION MODEL FOR TRILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(2), 203–219. Retrieved from
Research Article


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