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Piyawat Sukthet
Worrakrit Thuanchang
Patitham Samniang


The purpose of this research paper was 1) to analyze the components of effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles. 2) to create effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles. 3) to assess effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles of School Administrators Basic Education. The methodology used in this study was Mixed Method and was divided into three phases. 1) on the analysis components of effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles, the researcher examines the documents, concepts, theories  and opinions from specialists.  Interview was the research tool which used to evaluate the significance from 10 specialists and monks. To find out the components of effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles.The effective transformational leadership development on Formal Buddhadhamma principles. “PCA” was used to analyze the data in the Exploratory Factor Analysis to survey  key elements from a sample of 588 population 2) to create effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles of School Administrators Basic Education. In order to measure the suitability of the model, the connoisseurship was used among 12 informants including monks.3) to assess effective model of transformation for leadership development based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles of School Administrators Basic Education, the model was assessed by 15 specialists for accuracy, suitability, possibility and benefits. The research results revealed that : 1)The components of effective model of transformation for leadership development  based on Formal Buddhadhamma principles contain 8 elements including, (1) Technical Skill (2) Honest (3) Attentive Monitoring  (4) Conceptual Skill (5) Human Relation Skill (6) Moderation (7) Community Relations  (8) Knowing oneself 2) The model contains 4 sections including (1) introduction (2) aims and development  approach (3)development process (4) success conditions, which are accordance with the conceptual framework of the research. and 3) The assessment of a model effective transformational leadership development on Formal Buddhadhamma principles of School Administrators Basic Education include accuracy, suitability, possibility, benefit. The overall were highest level in all aspects.

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How to Cite
Sukthet, P., Thuanchang, W., & Samniang, P. (2020). EFFECTIVE MODEL OF TRANSFORMATION FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT BASED ON FORMAL BUDDHADHAMMA PRINCIPLES OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS BASIC EDUCATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(3), 43–58. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/242624
Research Article


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