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Tantai Limsakul
Prompilai Buasuwan
Suchada Nanthachai


This research article aims 1) to study the perception of the private school administrators about the internal branding of their own schools and 2) to study the strategies for internal branding of a private school with branches using qualitative research methodology. Research approaches were an in-depth interviews with executives, including the director and deputy director, and focus group discussions with teachers and school personnel. The results are described in 2 parts. Part 1: The perception of the private school administrators regarding the internal branding of their own schools.  It was found that school administrators recognized the internal branding of their own schools in 4 areas, namely, academic, personnel, learners, and premises. Part 2: Methods for internal branding. Results revealed that there were 2 ways to create a brand, which are 1) to create understanding and awareness for teachers and personnel about school identity and focus, 3 strategies were used:  building awareness and understanding by means of notification, expression of executive leadership, and internal communication and  2) to create love and engagement among teachers and school personnel, 4 strategies were used: rewarding and praise, freedom atmosphere in the work place, working welfare and working environment.

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How to Cite
Limsakul, T., Buasuwan, P., & Nanthachai, S. (2020). INTERNAL BRANDING OF PRIVATE SCHOOL: A CASE STUDY OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL WITH BRANCHES. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(2), 79–91. retrieved from
Research Article


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