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พิมพ์พิศา สิงหพันธุ์
รังรอง งามศิริ
พงษ์ศักดิ์ รักษาเพชร


The purposes of this research were to develop and find the efficiency of a task-based learning packet to improve English ability of Prathomsuksa 6 students and to study the effectiveness of a task-based learning package

The the target group of this research was 15 Prathomsuksa 6 students of Nongkaeprachasun School under Kanchanaburi Primary Education Service Area office 4, and who were studying in the second semester of 2018 academic year. Two constructed parallel tests of their English ability were used as a instrument to collect data. The first one was a 40 multiple-choice pre-test, with the reliability of 0.79. and the difficulty was between 0.27-0.75. and the discrimination power was between 0.22-0.75. The second one was a  40 multiple-choice post-test, with the reliability of 0.82 and the difficulty was between 0.22-0.75. and the discrimination power was between 0.22-1.00. All items of both test had the result of Item-Objective Congruence Index was 1.00. The statistics employed for data analysis were mean, and standard deviation, and effectiveness index.

The results revealed that 1) the development of the task-based learning package consisted of 10 books a task-based of learning package, with 1 manual, and 22 plans. There was 3 steps of learning activity management, that is, pre-task, task cycle, and language focus. 2) the efficiency index evaluated by experts in connoisseurship was 3.96, with the standard deviation of 0.31, and  The efficiency of process and product (E1/E2) was 76.06 / 78.89, higher than the criteria. 3) the effective index of this task-based learning package was .63, higher the criteria.

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How to Cite
สิงหพันธุ์ พ., งามศิริ ร., & รักษาเพชร พ. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TASK-BASED LEARNING PACKAGE TO IMPROVE ENGLISH ABILITY FOR PRATHOMSUKSA 6 STUDENTS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(3), 209–220. Retrieved from
Research Article


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