The Development of English Writing Skill Exercises for the Students in Teaching English Program in Faculty of Education Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University

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ภัธภร หลั่งประยูร


Three purposes of this research are (1) to survey errors in writing from Teaching English Program students (2) to develop of English writing exercises for the students in Teaching English Program (3) to compare English writing skill achievement in pretest and posttest. The participants in this research were students in Teaching English Program in Faculty of Education Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University. The materials of research were survey of error in writing form, English writing skill exercises and pretest- posttest questions. The statistic of research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, E1/E2 and t-test independent. The results of research found that Conjunction is the most error in writing (77%) 72 students did some errors in this part. The least error in writing was using Present Perfect Tense (23.76%) Only 22 students faced this problem in writing. The average of results of development of English writing skill exercises was 83.48/83.87. The Effective of Process (E1) was 83.48 and The Effective of Result (E2) was 83.87 which was higher than the standard 80/80 for every exercise. The finding of this research found that the achievement level of post-test of Teaching English Program students who practice their wring by using the writing exercise is higher than the pre-test with a statistic significant figure at 0.05


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หลั่งประยูร ภ. (2019). The Development of English Writing Skill Exercises for the Students in Teaching English Program in Faculty of Education Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(1), 231–241. retrieved from
Research Article


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