A Guideline for Learning and Teaching Management on Science Subject in Accordance With the 5 Bahusutta in School Network 49 Under Klongsamwa District Office, Bangkok

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ศิริญาภา ทองมะหา
อินถา ศิริวรรณ
เกษม แสงนนท์
วิชชุดา หุ่นวิไล


This research aims: 1) to study the teaching of science subjects in school network 49 in Klongsamwa District of Bangkok, 2) to study the teaching of science in accordance with Bahusutta Principles, and 3) to propose a guideline for teaching of science in accordance with Bahusutta Principles. This qualitative research is comprised of document analysis, in-depth interviews with 6 key-informants teaching science in primary schools, and group discussions with 6 experts. The data were analyzed by content analysis and frequency.

The research results found that:

  1. The conditions of teaching and learning science subjects in school network 49 in Klongsamwa District of Bangkok indicated that; 1) Course contents were excessive to learners’ ability, attitude and enthusiasm in the subject, 2) The teaching process should be adjusted to suite the leaners, 3) There was limitation of instructional media, instrument and equipment used in experimental activities, 4) The activity based teaching could affect the lesson plan since the teachers had no enough experiences in this teaching method, and 5) There were variety of tools used in measurement and evaluation that could improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

  2. The teaching of science in accordance with Bahusutta Principles in course content, learning process, media, instrument and evaluation was in concordance with Vacasa Paricita the most, and teaching activity was in concordance with Manasanupekkhita the most.

  3. The guideline for teaching of science in accordance with Bahusutta Principles was that; 1) In Bahussuta, students learn from the real life experience, learn by questions and answers and improve their listening skill, 2) In Dhata, the data are classified systematically to facilitate the learners in searching and recollection, 3) In Vacasa Paricita, the management in teaching and learning process, environment and learning resources is to facilitate teaching and learning, and relate to time table, learning class levels, and course contents based on learner-centered teaching, 4) In Manasanupakkhita, students have channels to express their opinions, give suggestions and ask questions. The schools supply instructional media and technology relevant to learning process, have network for teaching and learning exchange, and arrange self-learning system, and 5) In Ditthiya Supatividdha, the administration on curriculum, environment, learning resources, and measurement and evaluation was relevant to maturity, skills and attitude of the learners

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How to Cite
ทองมะหา ศ., ศิริวรรณ อ., แสงนนท์ เ., & หุ่นวิไล ว. (2019). A Guideline for Learning and Teaching Management on Science Subject in Accordance With the 5 Bahusutta in School Network 49 Under Klongsamwa District Office, Bangkok. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(1), 28–38. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/178430
Research Article


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