The Temple Management System for Social

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บุญเลิศ จีรภัทร์
อินถา ศิริวรรณ
สุทธิพงษ์ ศรีวิชัย
พระมหาสหัส ฐิตสาโร
นิภา จีรภัทร์


The research on the temple management system for society was a
survey research with intention to study the current temple management sytem, to
study the temple development system and the temple management system, and
to study the temple management system and social problem solution. The
populations of this study were abbots, monks, novices, and people making merit at
the temples in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The samples were 800 monks,
novices and lay-people. The samples were obtained by Taro Yamane formula n =
1 N(e) 2

Statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean,
standard deviation, t-test and F-test.
The results showed the temple management system for society in the
opinion of the public was at a high level, but in a moderate level in the monks’
opinion. This indicated that the temple management system must be improved
urgently. The temple management system and the temple development system
were at a moderate level. The Sangha’s organization management, temple
management planning, temple activities, function, method and duty in work, temple
management and social problem solution, and ability in problem solving were at a
high level. Any way, the temple management system for society should be
improved in every aspect in order to serve the need of society.

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How to Cite
จีรภัทร์ บ., ศิริวรรณ อ., ศรีวิชัย ส., ฐิตสาโร พ., & จีรภัทร์ น. (2018). The Temple Management System for Social. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 2(1), 1–10. retrieved from
Research Article