Educational Administration with Buddhist Good Governance

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พระครูสุนทรสุวรรณการ โฉมศรี


Educational administration is the art and science that requires the principles of Buddhist good governance as a guideline in administration. It is compliance with international principles in both public and private sectors. Educational administration requires the cooperation of all sectors based on the concept of democracy and
human rights in order to be fair, honest, transparent, responsible, equality, and participation to support each other creatively causing relations between administrators, teachers, staff, and community equally. The Buddhist principles embedded in good governance can help create awareness of Buddhist wisdom of the administrators to deploy a quality education and a fair approach to management
with honest, transparency and the participation of all parties.

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How to Cite
โฉมศรี พ. (2018). Educational Administration with Buddhist Good Governance. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 4(1), 24–32. Retrieved from
Research Article