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Phramaha Yannawat Thitavaddhano
Thongdee Sritragarn
Akekalak Tapwijitr
Prawit Chaisuk
Aroonrad Wilairadtanakun
Phrakhrusangharak Chakkit Bhuripañño


The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the driving model of the Buddhist communication education sandbox for media literacy, 2) to develop the drive of the Buddhist communication education sandbox, and 3) to promote the drive of the Buddhist communication education sandbox for media literacy for Thai youth. Qualitative research methodology and action research as part of the research process. Key informants 400 people included administrators, faculty, staff, students, and individuals involved in driving the innovation space for Buddhist communication to enhance media literacy among Thai youth. Additionally, there was a group of 13 individuals consisting of administrators, faculty, staff, and students from the Faculty of Education at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, as well as other related parties. The research instruments included unstructured interviews, focus group discussions, and sets of activities aimed at driving the innovation area of Buddhist communication for media literacy among Thai youth. Data collection involved document analysis, interviews, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The results found that: 1) The model for driving the Buddhist communication education sandbox was found to involve communication with age-appropriate content themes. It emphasized communicating with wisdom and contemplation, aiming to bring happiness to oneself and the recipient while refraining from lying. The model placed importance on communication in a Buddhist way, following the Tri-Sikkh  (Threefold Learning); precepts, concentration, and wisdom. 2) The development to drive the Buddhist communication education sandbox found that a Sandbox network and links between educational institutions and communities drived well-behaved areas, adhering to the principles of Sappurisa-dhamma (Qualities of a good man), Yonisomanasikāra (Reasoned attention), Paratoghosa (Another’s utterance), and the K l ma sutta principles, which were conducive to effective communication and modernity. 3) The promotion of driving the Buddhist communication education sandbox for media literacy for Thai youth found the following factors: (1) establishing a media learning area according to the Tri-Sikkh  (Threefold Learning), (2) fostering media awareness akin to that of a wise person, (3) emphasizing analytical insight as the key principle for the information age, and (4) cultivating Vuḍḍhi-dhamma 4 (Virtues conducive to growth), which represented the splendor of wisdom and could lead to a regular lifestyle.

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How to Cite
Thitavaddhano, P. Y. ., Sritragarn, T., Tapwijitr, A. ., Chaisuk , P. ., Wilairadtanakun, A. ., & Bhuripañño, P. C. . (2024). DRIVING A BUDDHIST COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SANDBOX FOR MEDIA LITERACY OF THAI YOUTH . Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(3). Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/1-14
Research Article


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