A Study Using the Low-Cost Robot Kit as a Tool to Promote Students’ Engagement in STEM Education

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ศศิธร ชูแก้ว
ศุภชัย หอวิมานพร


Learning as part of the engineering design process. In an engineering education context, robots are employed to motivate and transfer the problematic concepts of interdisciplinary integration. Most existing educational robotics have been developed to teach programming and basic robotics in many countries. However, a market survey found that many brands of robots tend to be expensive and inflexible for use by students in upper-middle-income countries. Therefore, we have designed and built a modular educational robot kit called entitled the MEC-Ed robot kit designed to be a low-cost resource for student learning as part of the engineering design process. We used a robotics design performance score and engagement questionnaire to collect quantitative data in the experimental case study. The participants in this experiment were 29 senior high school students in Thailand. The authors found that the framework supports the engineering design process and enhances the students’ positive perceptions concerning low-cost robot kits.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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