An Examination of Gender Differences on Science Teachers’ Digital Learning Environmental Preferences: A Result of Smart Learning Project in Thailand

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Pawat Chapidech
Niwat Srisawasdi


Currently, gender difference has attention by today's educational researchers. Digital learning environmental preferences of science female and male teachers are essential because a learning environment that fit teachers' preference would lead them to have more effective teaching and improve students learning performance. This study intended to investigate the digital learning environmental preferences between female and male science teachers. After the science teachers were trained to use various digital technologies to integrate into their science classroom, the digital learning environmental preferences of science female and male teachers were compared by employing a survey consisting of the "ease of use," "continuity," "relevance," "adaptive content," "multiple sources," "timely guidance," "student negotiation" and "inquiry learning" dimensions. A total of 244 science teachers (195 females and 49 males) participated in the survey. According to the one-way MANOVA result, it was found that there was no significant difference between male and female science teachers' preferences. Consequently, the female and male science teachers showed a similar need for a digital learning environment in their training. This result suggests that, for different gender science teachers, the same digital learning environments could be applied in their professional development.

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