

  • พิพรรธน์ -


การจัดการความรู้ ช่องทางการตลาด กลไกทางการตลาด


Objectives of this research: 1. To study the overview of mango farmers, 2. to knowledge management of mango farmers, and 3. to study marketing channels and marketing mechanisms of mango farmers. There were 156 quantitative samples and 10 qualitative samples, and a specific sample selection tool was used. The results showed that The sample of respondents were 69.87% male, 30.13% female. As for knowledge management at a high level. with the same mean 4.11 The marketing channel management at the high level had the same mean 3.99 while the marketing mechanism system at the high level The average was 4.10 and most of the farmers continued to learn about marketing channel management and marketing mechanisms. There are government agencies to provide knowledge can be integrated into self-reliance.


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