The Causal Factors of Information Technology Requirements and Communications for Accessing to Knowledge for the Elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Somchad Deeudom
Jakret mettathamrong


This research has objectives 1) to develop the causal relation model of factor and 2) to study the direct and indirect influences of the causal factors of information technology requirements and communications affecting the access to knowledge for the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The sample of the research is 400 elderly people. The researcher used a questionnaire as a research instrument and was analyzed by the structural equation model. The result found that the mentioned causal factors consisted of health, work, public participation and knowledge accessibility. The result of model development found that the developed model conformed with empirical data by having the Goodness of fit index (GFI) at X2=77.141, dƒ=31, X2/dƒ=2.488, RMSEA=0.059, CFI=0.983, TLI=0.970, SRMR=0.030. Furthermore, the result of the study on direct and indirect influences found that the health factor significant influenced directly to the knowledge accessibility of the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. On the other hand, the public participation factor influenced indirectly through working.

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How to Cite
Deeudom, S., & mettathamrong, J. . (2020). The Causal Factors of Information Technology Requirements and Communications for Accessing to Knowledge for the Elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 15(3), 70–82. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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