Cost and Return of Commercial Cricket Farming of Small-Scale Farmers

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Panatda Utaranakorn
Yardroong Mawongwai


This research aimed to analyse cost and return of commercial cricket farming with feeding in concrete block pen and gypsum board pen of small-scale farmers. The primary data was collected by indept-interview 98 farmers using a structured questionnaire. The results show that farmers who fed cricket in concrete block pen had a total cost equal to 58 baht per kilogram (kg). Their net profit was 40 baht per kg; and their break even yield and break even price were 15 kg per pen, and 54 baht per kg, repsectively. According to farmers feeding cricket in gypsum board pen, they had a total cost equal to 73 baht per kg and net profit was 15 baht per kg. Moreover, their break even yield was 11 kg per pen, and break even price was 70 baht per kg. Furthermore, the result of economic ratio analysis of both cricket farming types shows that cricket farming with feeding in concrete block pen had a higher rate of profit to production cost than one with feeding in gypsum board pen by triple point. Overview, it reveals that both groups had reciept a fully profit from cricket production in each feeding system.

Keywords: 1) Cricket farming 2) Small-scale farmers 3) Cost and return 4) Concrete block pen                    5) Gypsum board pen


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How to Cite
Utaranakorn, P., & Mawongwai, Y. (2020). Cost and Return of Commercial Cricket Farming of Small-Scale Farmers . Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 15(2), 113–124. Retrieved from
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