Factors Affecting Subscription to Premium Package of Music Streaming Services in Bangkok Metropolitan Region
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It was the objective of this research to look at three areas: first, the demographics and usage patterns of music streaming services; second, the link between demographics and the marketing mix; and third, the variables that influenced people's decision to pay extra for music streaming services. Those who participated in the study were 400 people who lived in Bangkok's metropolitan area and use online music streaming services. Purposive sampling was used in this study, and the information was gathered through an online survey. Inferential statistics, such as t-tests, F-tests, and applied binary logistic and probit regression, were employed to assess the data generated from the descriptive statistics. The study found that the majority of the participants were female, between the ages of 18 and 34, with a bachelor's degree, working for a corporation, and earning an average monthly salary of 15,000 to 25,000 baht. In most cases, they listen to music for pleasure and pay a monthly fee of fewer than 100 baht for music streaming. The importance of various marketing mix components was influenced by the demographics of the target audience. It was the combination of demographic and marketing mix elements (product and service, place) that influenced the decisions of the samples to subscribe to the premium package.
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