Economic Evaluation of Transport Companies Which Operates in Accordance with the ISO39001 Road Safety Standard System
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This study aimed to evaluate the value of investment in road safety operation system for transportation companies. The target population was a group of companies that had established a safety system according to ISO 39001 road traffic safety standard. This research used costbenefit approach to analyze worthiness of transport companies in Thailand in accordance with the ISO39001 road safety standard system. Data were collected from 3 companies who were willing to participate in this project. Cost and benefits analysis were performed using marginal cost and marginal benefit from having a road traffic safety management policy according to ISO 39001 guidelines. The analysis was undergone from both society perspective and company perspective in conjunction with insurance under the Compensation Fund Act. The study results found that Net Present Value (NPV), from the perspective of society, was 121,153 baht, Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1.14, and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was 23%, It also found its worth in the aspect of transport companies in conjunction with insurance with the NPV of 74,906, BCR of 1.01 and IRR of 15%. In conclusion, the assessment was worth the investment. To provide incentive for managing road safety and pursuing the ISO 39001 certification for more transport companies, the government may help provide information, tax benefits, and sharing information to private sectors such as information on travel routes and risky points.
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