Factors Affecting Consumers' Decision Making in Choice of Service Destinations Under the COVID-19 Situation Using MIMIC Analysis

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Issarapong Poltanee


The objective was to develop a causal model and validate the coherence of the destination decision-making model under the COVID-19 situation through variables used in the study that included: Data were collected from the sample group studied in 456 higher education institutions in Bangkok and its vicinity and analyzed by mimic.

The results showed that the hypothesis-developed model was consistent with the empirical data. The positive influencing factors were perception, followed by attitude, ethnography, and hatred, respectively. The decision to use the service or travel each time of the consumer or traveler was the intention of visiting the destination. Intention to visit the destination Correlation with reference groups and the image of the service area.

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How to Cite
Poltanee, I. (2023). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Decision Making in Choice of Service Destinations Under the COVID-19 Situation Using MIMIC Analysis. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 18(3). สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/BECJournal/article/view/254115
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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