The Persistence Potential and Development of Digital Outdoor Cinema Business towards Special Events: A Case Study of Northern Regions, the Eight Provinces of Central and North Eastern Regions

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Passawan Korakotchamas


The Persistence potential and development of Digital Outdoor cinema business: A case study of Northern regions, the eight provinces of Central and North Eastern regions was aimed to explore the elements of Thai style of film exhibition outdoor cinema that had undergone a period of technological transition from film to digital. The research was also aimed to study the elements of the structure of exhibition business in outdoor digital cinema. This study applied qualitative research approach, which used in-depth interview with the main key research informants consisting of outdoor digital cinema operators from Central region, Northern region, and Eastern region of Thailand.

With respect to the findings, there were 5 outdoor digital cinema elements that constructed the art of Thai outdoor cinema in film exhibition; which were comprised of 1) the outdoor cinema unit, 2) the host, 3) outdoor movie, 4) spectators, and 5) variety shops. The result shown that the 5 elements of Thai outdoor cinema in film exhibition had played the important role in transforming the exhibition units from past to present.

The findings also revealed that the structure of Thai outdoor cinema business unit in the digital age could be divided into 3 parts, which are 1) licensed movie distribution company for outdoor cinema, 2) outdoor cinema units, and 3) vendors. When considering from these 3 parts, there are three characteristics that can be developed into an event business model according to the concept of Goldbatt (2014, p. 12).

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How to Cite
Korakotchamas, P. (2022). The Persistence Potential and Development of Digital Outdoor Cinema Business towards Special Events: A Case Study of Northern Regions, the Eight Provinces of Central and North Eastern Regions. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 17(3). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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