The Attitude Towards Internet Banking Service under Financial Activity in Essential of Economic Area at Western in Thai Gulf of Thailand

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Weerawan Pinchumpholsang
Somjai Srinet
Thanapad Seesodsai


This research aims to identify customer satisfaction with online financial services with internet banking and determine the factors to customer satisfaction with online financial services with internet banking by deploying SEM (Structure Equation Models). The simple random sampling was applied to select twelve (12) banks in Thailand. Sample of 1,800 respondents were observed using web based survey questionnaire. The respondents were using online financial services with internet banking and resided in economic area at western in Thai Gulf of Thailand. The findings found that the factors of customer’s attitudes and satisfaction of online financial service with internet banking were expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, and loyalty related to SEM model as statistically significance. In other words, safety service was not related to the hypothesis.

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How to Cite
Pinchumpholsang, W., Srinet, S., & Seesodsai, T. (2022). The Attitude Towards Internet Banking Service under Financial Activity in Essential of Economic Area at Western in Thai Gulf of Thailand. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 17(2). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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