The Study on Entrepreneurial Mindset of the Thai People of Mon Descent: A Case Study of Lamphun Province and Lopburi Province

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Warawude Rurkwararuk


This research article is an excerpt from the Research Report on Thai people of Mon descent and their entrepreneurship, using qualitative research via in-depth interview with individuals, both those investing or operating businesses and those who do not invest or operate a business, in the areas of 2 Mon villages, namely Ban Bang Khan Mak in Lop Buri Province and Ban Nong Du in Lamphun Province, totalled 60 informants. The main results are: business operators often mentioned “opportunities” as leading to the choice of their entrepreneurial path. Some do business due to the “need” to stay home to care for their loved ones, while non-entrepreneurs claimed they also had “need” for personal care or “lack of capital”. From interviews and observations, it is found that: Thai people of Mon descent have had a high “Power Distance” level, a low “Masculinity” level and a low “Need for Achievement”, and a high Collectivism level. All of which is not conducive to entrepreneurship. Those who have entrepreneurial careers seem to be more pro-active and more independent than those who are not entrepreneurs, and thus a higher Individualism level. They do not fear the risk, yet would accumulate skills and expertise, and wait for sufficient accumulated funds to leave their previous jobs to start their
own businesses. Entrepreneurship depends on personal preference, but not on being of Mon decent. Therefore, there should be support for the Thai people of Mon descent to have greater self-confidence, willing to take risks, and have a more optimistic view of being an entrepreneur.

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Rurkwararuk, W. (2022). The Study on Entrepreneurial Mindset of the Thai People of Mon Descent: A Case Study of Lamphun Province and Lopburi Province. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 17(2). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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