The development of management model for providing support for people in difficult circumstances and socially vulnerable groups throughthe mechanism of the Pracharat for Society Fund, PathumThani Province


  • อุดมลักษณ์ เวชชพิทักษ์, ประกาศ เปล่งพานิชย์ กลุ่มงานพัฒนายุทธศาสตร์สาธารณสุข


: people in difficult circumstances, socially vulnerable groups, Pracharat for Society Fund


This research aimed to study and develop management model for the provision of support and to compare the quality of life of people in difficult circumstances and socially vulnerable groups through the mechanism of the Pracharat for Society Fund before and after implementation of PathumThani province’s development project for the mechanism to support the provincial Pracharat volunteer spirit networkthat reinforces social well-being. The target groups were 33 members of the Pracharat for Society Fund Management Committee and 84 other people comprising people in difficult circumstances and socially vulnerable groups (home-bound/bed-ridden patients and the neglected elderly). Sample selection was randomly selected without using probability theory. Quota sampling, semi-structured interview and quality of life test were used as tools for data collection between January and June 2018. The data collected were analyzed using content analysis and data triangulation.

The results showed that the quality of life of home-bound/bed-ridden patients and the neglected elderly has improved after implementation of the project. The recommendations put forward in this research are intended for the committee to give the Pracharat volunteer spirit network the chance to participate in helping people. Firstly, in terms of budgeting,the committee needs to ensure that fund management system is efficient on both revenue and expenses by implementing different methods of fundraising. Secondly, in terms of materials/equipment, the Pracharat for Society Fund Management Committee shall serve as a major mechanism for resource mobilization to facilitate in driving the Pracharat for Society Fund at all levels. Finally, in terms of fund management, it is necessary to increase the number of the Pracharat volunteer spirit networks and offer them greater opportunities to participate in the management of the Pracharat for Society Fund.      

It is recommended that the Pracharat volunteer spirit committee revise its structure, appoint the local-level Pracharat volunteer spirit representatives, improve fund management system to be more efficiently, implement fundraising campaigns, and provide policy recommendations for promoting the setting up of the Pracharat for Society Fund at all levels.


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How to Cite

เวชชพิทักษ์ อ. (2018). The development of management model for providing support for people in difficult circumstances and socially vulnerable groups throughthe mechanism of the Pracharat for Society Fund, PathumThani Province. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 18(1), 5–31. Retrieved from



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