การรักษาป่าชุมชนด้วยแนวคิดผี พราหมณ์ พุทธ

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PhraTheeraphong Theerapanyo


The academic paper aims to present the concept of forest protection by using the perspectives of Brahmin and Buddhist ghosts. It found that: the community forests are the source of food, learning center, and community property. Effective ways to manage community forests must come from the people management in the community by using the forest building strategy and sacredness with the perspectives of ghosts in Brahmanism and Buddhism. They are the traditional belief existed in the community by believing that the ghost lives in the big tree. Therefore, the ritual sacrifice is considered an expression of gratitude for the sacred things. Along with this concept, the community forest will remain with Thai society forever.

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How to Cite
Theerapanyo, P. . (2022). การรักษาป่าชุมชนด้วยแนวคิดผี พราหมณ์ พุทธ. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(4). Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/252589
Academic Article


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