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Nitikorn Wichuma
Chakkapan Wongpornpavan


The reincarnation or Avatar is body separation or coming of Mahadeva and other devas into the world. They showed themselves in the human being to defeat the demon who came to bully devas and man. They also lead the way to highest truth and as A model teaching by means of personification. They revealed the mercy or as teaching with reference to ideas of the Bodhisattva. It’s showed that the virtues or any principle for one who follow the of Bodhisattva should follow Avalokitesava who alway helps human being as long as man continue to be in distress and for the purpose of enlightenment as the lord Buddha in the future.          

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How to Cite
Wichuma , N. ., & Wongpornpavan, C. . (2020). THE REINCARNATION (AVATĀRA) IN MAHĀYĀNA BUDDDHIST PHILOLOSOPHY. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(2), 13–26. retrieved from
Academic Article


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