Development Model for Community Products to Support the Local Economy in Ban Nong Bua Community, Mueang District, Chanthaburi Province

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Prakru Jittakarnkowit


The purpose of this research is to 1) to study the basic economic system of Ban Nong Bua community, Mueang District, Chanthaburi Province, towards sustainable development; 2) to develop community products of Ban Nong Bua community, Mueang District, Chanthaburi Province; and 3) to analyse the model of community product development to promote the basic economy of Ban Nong Bua community, Mueang District, Chanthaburi Province. Data were collected from 23 in-depth interviewees and 5 specific group discussions, and the data from the interviews were used to analyse and summarise the key points using contextual content analysis techniques and explain the data in a descriptive way.
The results of the research showed that:
1) The basic economic system for sustainable development has found that people in the community are moral and mutually supportive according to the principle of influence. 4 The community is strong and self-reliant through the use of social capital from agriculture, fisheries, and handicrafts such as making traditional sweets, food
processing, and local handicrafts. The community also promotes tourism by using long-tail boats to take tourists to see nature. Generate additional income and preserve local culture.
2) Development of Ban Nong Bua Community Products It was discovered that the brand and packaging for the traditional Nong Bua dipping sauce crackers "Chakkrit Brand" have been developed, and distribution channels have been developed for 2 products, namely Nong Bua broom "Priya Brand" and "Chakkrit Brand" crackers, using local resources and wisdom together with the concept. to create added value and maintain product identity, resulting in more recognition and revenue.
3) Analysis of the model of community product development to promote the basic economy found that there are 3 main forms: brand development; the development of packaging and distribution channels with a network from the government and community representatives jointly developed. It is an example of sustainable development that helps increase product value. Generate income and strengthen the community.

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How to Cite
Jittakarnkowit, P. (2024). Development Model for Community Products to Support the Local Economy in Ban Nong Bua Community, Mueang District, Chanthaburi Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(3), 83–94. Retrieved from
Research Article


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