Human Resource Management, Organizational Climate and Adjustment Affecting Workplace Happiness of Personnel in Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization

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Thanakorn Sirisugandha
Suthep U-roung


This research had the objectives to study 1) levels of opinions in human resource management, organizational climate, adjustment and workplace happiness of personnel in Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization and 2) opinions in human resource management, organizational climate and adjustment affecting workplace happiness of personnel of Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization. The population was the personnel in Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization including government
officials, government staff, permanent workers and temporary workers of Lampang
Provincial Administrative Organization totaled 253 persons. It was a survey research using a questionnaire as a tool and descriptive statistics of percentage, means and standard deviations and inferential statistics of Multiple Enter Regression Analysis.

Research results found that
1) levels of opinions of adjustment affected workplace happiness of personnel of Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization at the highest level followed by organizational climate at the high level and human resource management at the high level respectively.
2) results of Multiple Enter Regression Analysis found that organizational climate affected workplace happiness of the personnel of Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization at the statistical significance level of .01 while organizational climate
affected workplace happiness of the Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization personnel at the statistical significance level of .05 but adjustment did not affect workplace happiness of Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization personnel at the statistical significance level of .05

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How to Cite
Sirisugandha, T. ., & U-roung, S. . (2024). Human Resource Management, Organizational Climate and Adjustment Affecting Workplace Happiness of Personnel in Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(3), 259–269. retrieved from
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