The Development of the MARKET MODEL to Enhance the Competency of Principles of Marketing for High Vocational Certificate Student of Kamphaengphet Technical College

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Datchanee Jawanna


Abstract The objectives of this research are 1) to study the current teaching and the need for learning condition using the current principles of Marketing 2) to develop the teaching model: Market MODEL to enhance the competency of the principles of Marketing 3) to run trials on the model 4) to evaluate the use of the model. The target groups were educational administrators, instructors, entrepreneurs, and higher vocational certificate students at Kamphaeng Phet Technical College and Uttaradit Vocational College. A mixed study design was used in this study, including qualitative and quantitative. Tools used in qualitative studies were questionnaires and assessments, qualitative data analysis using content analysis, and quantitative data analysis using statistics, percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation from t-tests.
The research findings showed:
1. The current teaching and the need for learning condition should be changed to emphasize the competency of the principles of Marketing. Instructors should: plan learning arrangements that are linked to students’ jobs and their fields of study; focus on the important role of students using instructors as a guide; cooperate in organizing learning activities that enhance the students’ competency in knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and evaluate results by observing real-life empirical behaviors, which are
consistent with the needs of the establishments who want students who can apply their knowledge to the job in today’s world.
2. The developed teaching and learning model consisted of 2 components: 1) the planning component, which includes Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence. 2) The teaching and learning activity component, which includes 6 steps as follows: M-Motivation, A-Analysis, R-Result, K-Knowledge
Sharing, E-Evaluation, and T-Thinking to Create, or MARKET Model for short. Experts agreed that the model has high relevancy, appropriation, possibility, and usability.
3. The students who were taught by the developed teaching and learning model had significantly statistically higher learning scores in Marketing at 0.01. Their competency and attitude in the Principles of Marketing course passed the criteria in all 3 aspects with 80 percent, accounting for 100 percent.
4. The students who were taught by the developed teaching and learning model could utilize the competency of the principles of Marketing by using digital marketing tools to sell products and services to earn money while studying, accounting for 100 percent. Also, the students had the highest satisfaction in learning.

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How to Cite
Jawanna, D. (2024). The Development of the MARKET MODEL to Enhance the Competency of Principles of Marketing for High Vocational Certificate Student of Kamphaengphet Technical College. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 113–126. Retrieved from
Research Article


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