Student Care and Support System : The Case Study of Huaiton Pittayakhom School

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เสรี ออไธสง


The purpose of this academic paper was to study the student care and support system at Huai Ton Pittayakhom School. This arose from studying the background
conditions of students' families, parents' needs, stakeholders and community context surrounding the school. Then created a student care and support system that was unique to the school. There were 5 steps involved: step 1: providing knowledge and create awareness among personnel, step 2: knowing students and screening individual students, step 3: promoting and developing student, step 4: preventing and solving student
problems, and step 5: transferring students. In this regard, the screening of students had been carried out into 4 areas: learning, behavior, special abilities, health and well-being. In addition, a student was separated into 3 groups in each area. Each group consisted of a trusting group, a caring group, and a close-up group. Moreover, the school had designed its own data collection tools and student screening criteria. From the implementation of the student care and support system Huai Ton Pittayakhom School, students and school had always been accepted at the provincial level to the national level so far.

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How to Cite
ออไธสง เ. (2024). Student Care and Support System : The Case Study of Huaiton Pittayakhom School. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 23–34. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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