Development of a Buddhist Wellness Management Curriculum for the Elderly

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Anchalee Tienkachart
Pachabodee Yeamsoonthorn


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study knowledge about wellness management for the elderly 2) to create a Buddhist wellness management curriculum for the elderly 3) to evaluate a Buddhist wellness management curriculum for the elderly. This is the qualitative research, done by studying documents and conducting in-depth interviews with 14 people, including nursing school entrepreneurs, nursing students, elderly caregivers,
curriculum expert creators, and monks. Then a focus group was conducted with five qualified academics and stakeholders. The evaluation of a Buddhist wellness management curriculum for the elderly by 6 nursing students was conducted. The method of data collection was an in-depth interview, a focus group, and presenting the results of data analysis using content analysis techniques together with context.

          The research results found that

          1) Knowledge about wellness management for the elderly using the 5 principles of the 4 Bhavanas, consisting of food management, hygiene, emotions, hobbies, exercise, and mindfulness training using the 4 principles of the Bhavanas.

          2) Creating a curriculum for Buddhist wellness management for the elderly. The objective of developing the curriculum is to integrate Buddhist management subjects with the nursing curriculum. By collecting information through an in-depth interview and focus group, a complete curriculum for Buddhist wellness management for the elderly was evaluated.

          3) Evaluation of the Buddhist wellness management curriculum for the elderly It was found that there was a high level of satisfaction with the overall and other topics of the curriculum. Listed in order from highest to lowest are Buddhist management subjects, nursing courses, study periods, and expenses.

          4) Suggestions to the Buddhist College: They should design their internal environment so that stakeholders can recognize their identity and campaign to apply knowledge from Vipassana training to personality development.

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How to Cite
Tienkachart, A., & Yeamsoonthorn, P. (2024). Development of a Buddhist Wellness Management Curriculum for the Elderly. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 85–100. Retrieved from
Research Article


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