Educational Leadership and Personnel Participation in Administration of Educational Institutions According to the Principles of Social Object 4

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Yaowadee Phunilamai
PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotivungso (Auiwong)


This article aims to study the leadership qualities and the personnel participation of Administration educational, incorporating the principles of Buddhism, institutions
according to the principles of social object 4, as a guiding framework. Educational leadership refers to the characteristics and skills that leaders in the field of education should possess to create a conducive learning environment and achieve positive
outcomes for students. Leadership is an ongoing process of collaboration, fostering cooperation in various school activities, and defining roles in managing the school system effectively. The ultimate goal is to enhance the learning experience throughout the school.

Leadership involves a continuous interaction to ensure collaborative efforts in school activities. It also includes defining roles in managing the school system to achieve set objectives. This is done systematically and with clarity to develop the learning environment within the school. Incorporating the principles of Buddhism, into educational leadership can lead to stability, progress, and mutual respect among individuals. Effective leaders in the modern globalized world recognize that "work" cannot be accomplished by individuals alone. Instead, it requires cooperation and collaboration among team members. In conclusion, effective leadership in the contemporary world requires the application of moral principles, such as the principles of social object 4, to foster collaboration, mutual respect, and harmonious working relationships. By doing so, we can work together happily and lead Thai society toward progress on par with other developed national

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How to Cite
Phunilamai, Y., & (Auiwong), P. C. (2024). Educational Leadership and Personnel Participation in Administration of Educational Institutions According to the Principles of Social Object 4. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 26–41. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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