Leadership Development From Theory to Excellent Practice

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Tharaporn Jitsom
PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotivungso (Auiwong)


Leadership development is a process that focuses on increasing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals in leadership roles. To be able to effectively navigate and promote change in organizations or society. Leadership development is very important in every business. level of organization Whether in business, government, or a non-profit organization, this process often focuses on honing skills in managing and leading people. Promoting creativity and building an effective team It also emphasizes the development of personal characteristics such as responsibility confidence Strong leadership, having goals, creating a vision, and having the dynamism to play an appropriate leadership role. Leadership development helps individuals perform their leadership roles effectively. and participate in leading the organization or target group to achieve success with efficiency and sustainability.
Developing excellent leaders is a process that connects theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on developing the skills needed to lead teams and creating good understanding between leaders and teams. To create leaders who can lead the organization towards leadership excellence in the future. And it is considered an important process in creating leaders who are capable and effective in leading teams and organizations. We consider that there are important steps that leaders should take to develop themselves and promote better leadership.

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How to Cite
Jitsom, T., & (Auiwong), P. C. (2024). Leadership Development From Theory to Excellent Practice. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 13–25. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/266277
Academic Article


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