The Impact of Social Development and Human Security Volunteer Networks on Social Welfare Administration for Older Persons with Disabilities in Yasothon Province

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Kitiya Sirisoda
Ajirapa Pienkhuntod


 Effective management of social welfare for people with disabilities involves community volunteers which are one of key contributors coordinating between the government and the public. This study aimed to understand the importance of social development and human security volunteers (SDHSV) in providing social welfare, and problems and obstacles of SDHSV in providing social welfare to take care the elderly with disabilities in Yasothon Province. This qualitative research used semi-structure interview as a data collection tool. Key informants were 26 social development and human security volunteers of Yasothon Province. Content analysis and thematic analysis were applied based on the social network concept. Findings uncovered that having diverse and wide networks, including family
members, relatives, neighbors, community leaders, temples, local government organizations, sub-district health promoting hospitals, and social development and human security office, allowed elderly people with disabilities to participate in communities and to have better access to welfare and assistance as follows: 1) Common perception which is for continuously managing social welfare for the elderly with disabilities; 2) Common vision that increases precise data recording which contributes to quick and accurate identification of targets; 3) Mutual interests, since social development and human security volunteers wants to be recognized from their duties; 4) All stakeholder participation which leads to collaboration in planning and decision-making to extensively maximize the benefits; 6) Interdependence that brings in resources, knowledge, capital, and human resources; 7) Interaction which results in relevant communications. With that, coordination between social development and human security office employees and local social development and human security volunteers in all areas can help provide advices and develop welfare management skills through digital technology systems in order to provide the maximum access to social welfare for the elderly people with disabilities.

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How to Cite
Sirisoda, K., & Pienkhuntod, A. (2024). The Impact of Social Development and Human Security Volunteer Networks on Social Welfare Administration for Older Persons with Disabilities in Yasothon Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 218–230. Retrieved from
Research Article


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