The Factors Related to the Voting Behavior for Members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization Council in Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province
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This research aimed to 1) study the level of factors related to the voting behavior for members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization Council in Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province, 2) examine factors related to the voting behavior for members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization Council, and 3) explore
suggestions for voting behavior for members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization Council adapted according to the Four Brahmavihra principles. This
mixed-methods research involved a sample of 382 eligible voters in Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province, and 12 key informants. Tools used included a questionnaire and a
semi-structured interview, with data analysis performed using social science statistical software and content analysis for context.
The research findings indicated that:
1) The overall relationship level with the voting behavior of the public for
Sub-district Administrative Organization Council members in Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province, had a mean value of 3.99, indicating a high level across all aspects. Ordered from highest to lowest mean, the aspects were: the candidates' campaigning efforts with the highest mean of 4.02, followed by the Four Brahmavihra principles with a mean of 4.01, candidates' policies with a mean of 3.99, candidates' characteristics also with a mean of 3.99, and personal relationships with the candidates with a mean of 3.93.
2) Testing the factors related to the public's voting behavior revealed that the Four Brahmavihra principles significantly correlated with the public's voting behavior at a statistical significance level of 0.01, with a positive correlation coefficient (r) of 0.13. Variables such as gender, age, education level, average monthly income, candidates' policies, candidates' characteristics, candidates' campaigning efforts, and personal relationships with the candidates were found not to be correlated.
3) Suggestions include that the Election Commission should promote public access to information about candidates' qualifications before voting, encourage voters to select candidates based on the Four Brahmavihra principles, ensure widespread dissemination of candidates' policies to the public, and campaign efforts should publicize the candidates' characteristics, achievements, and benefits provided to the public and community of each sub-district to maximize the information available to voters before making their decision.
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