Political information exposure behavior of Governance democracy of student of Maha Sarakham University.

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Kanchanakorn Mongrit
PhramahaNarin Surapanyo
Phaitoon Mamuang


The objectives of the research were to study the level of political information exposure behavior of governance democracy of the students of Maha Sarakhm University, to study the factors effecting the political information exposure behavior of governance democracy of the students of Mahasarakham University, and to present the application the principle of Dhamma to develop the political information exposure behavior of the students of Mahasarakham University. The research was the mixed method between the qualitative research and the quantitative one.   The documentary research interviewed in depth 9 key informants whereas the quantitative research collected data with questionnaires of  388 samples.  The data were analyzed with descriptive statistic.


      The research found that

  1. The level of the political information exposure behavior of governance democracy of the students of MahaSarakham University overall was high and classified by side the factors were at high as follows: 1) respecting to the other’s rights, 2) equality, 3) following law, 4) accepting majority respectively.

  2. The comparison of the levels of the political information exposure behavior of governance democracy of the students of MahaSarakham University found that the students with different sex, residence, educations, faculties and income had different opinions.

  3.        The results of presenting the political information exposure behavior of governance democracy of the students of MahaSarakham University applied to the principles of Buddhadhamm, namely, Saraniyadhamma were as follows: 1) Mettakayakamma, the leaders must live virtuous lives, try to restrain from physical evil actions, not oppress or torture the others by force in any manners, but always do right things, have loving-kindness, 2) Mettavacikamma, the leaders should acquire Piyavaca, i.e. pleasant and kindly speech, speak mild, polite and lovely words, speak only kind and useful words such as giving knowledge, advices, suggestions, and beneficial words and the truths, 3) Mettamanokamma, there are relations with kindness and goodwill. The leaders should think about only the good, useful and beneficial things to the others such as well wishing, wishing the others with happiness, success and prosperity. Intently wish to help the others, have loving-kindness, positive thinking and without envy, 4) Sadharanabhogi, there are fair sharing the profits or benefits, even for not many things, allotting the common interest among the members, fair using or consuming the common resources or interest together, sharing happiness or suffering of the same situations, 5) Sillimanite, there are behaving equally, behaving in moral conduct equally, having unity in moral or disciplinary practices, always practicing the same rules and regulations and respecting to the rights of the others and not intervening the duties of the others, 6) Ditthisamannata, there are having equality or unity in views, having the same opinions about the things, adjusting different visions, viewpoints and opinions to the same points, compromising different ideas, listening to the opinions of the others, being unselfish and not holding only self-opinions, having the equal opinions with those of the people in general, and practicing the duties sincerely and honestly

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How to Cite
Mongrit, K. ., Surapanyo, P. ., & Mamuang, P. . (2023). Political information exposure behavior of Governance democracy of student of Maha Sarakham University. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 248–261. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/264643
Research Article


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