The Evaluation of Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Pitchayabundit Collect Using a Cippi Model

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Nitra Chosungnern
Lada Donhongsa
Somchai Pachob
Siriwimon Rassamiphiphat
Suradet Promkham


The objective of this research aimed to evaluate the curriculum of Master’s Degree of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Pitchayabundit Collect, Using a CIPPI Model as an evaluation framework. The subjects of this research were 117 people. The research instruments evaluation forms and 2 structured interview forms. The analysis data statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard division and content analysis.
The results showed that.
1. The context and the input it was found that the overall was at the highest level. When each item found that it were at the highest level. 2. The process, it was found that the overall was at the highest level. When each item found that it were at the highest level. 3. The product and the impact it was found that the overall was at the high level. When each item found that it were at the high level.

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How to Cite
Chosungnern, N. ., Donhongsa, L. ., Pachob, S. ., Rassamiphiphat, S. ., & Promkham, S. . (2023). The Evaluation of Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Pitchayabundit Collect Using a Cippi Model. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(3), 38–51. Retrieved from
Research Article


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