Online Public Relations Affects the First Year Vocational Education Students’ Decision in Nongbualamphu Technical College

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Siwakorn Inphusa
Kitima Surasondhi
Trirath Pluempitichaikul


 The purpose of this research are: 1) study the perception of students at the first year of vocational certificate level at Nongbualamphu Technical College in relation to online public relations of vocational education and 2) study the effect of online public relations of vocational education on the decision to study vocational education of students at the first year of Nongbualamphu Technical College. The research is quantitative research. The sample population used in the study was students at the first-year vocational certificate level. 1 Nongbualamphu Technical College, which entered the study in the academic year 2566, total 425 students. This study used a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency distribution, percentage, average deviation, and mean comparison for two independent sample populations (t-test dependence). One-way analysis of variance and using Pearson's Correlation Statistics to test the relationship
The research found that
1) study the perception of first-year vocational certificate students at Nongbualamphu Technical College on the online media of vocational education. It was found that the first-year vocational certificate students with different demographic characteristics. The overall and all aspects of Nongbualamphu Technical College's online publications are different.
2) To study the effect of online public relations of vocational education on student's choice of vocational certificate at the first year of Nongbualamphu Technical College, it was found that analysis of online public relations has a correlation with decision to choose Nongbualamphu Technical College. There are high-level relationships, such as Occupation, Cost, and Vocational Education Image, respectively. There are moderate relationships as follows: In terms of Course of Instruction, teaching, Place, and Further Study, all aspects are related in the same direction.

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How to Cite
Inphusa, S. ., Surasondhi, K., & Pluempitichaikul, T. . (2023). Online Public Relations Affects the First Year Vocational Education Students’ Decision in Nongbualamphu Technical College. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 189–201. Retrieved from
Research Article


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