Academic Administration Guidelines for Multicultural Schoool : Case Study of Kaenoisuksa School Chiangmai
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Subject research Guidelines for Academic Administration in Multicultural Schools: A Case Study of Kaenoisuksa School, Under The Chiangmai Primary Education Services Area Office 3, intended for 1) Study the current and desirable state of academic administration in multicultural schools: a case study of Kaenoisuksa School, Under The Chiangmai Primary Education Services Area Office 3. 2) A study of academic management guidelines in multicultural schools : a case study of Kaenoisuksa School, Under The Chiangmai Primary Education Services Area Office 3 Population: 121 people. It consists of school administrators, teachers, supervisors from the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, academics, or specialists in multiculturalism. Basic Education Board Mathayomsuksa 6 students and parents of Mathayomsuksa 6 students. The research tools were questionnaires, the current and desirable conditions of academic administration in multicultural schools: a case study of Kaenoisuksa School. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Interview qualitative data analysis and structured focus group discussions. The data were analyzed through content analysis.
The results showed that
1. The current state of academic administration in multicultural schools : a case study of Kaenoisuksa School Under Chiangmai Primary Education Service Area Office 3, the overall level was at a moderate level (µ = 3.38, = 0.73), and when considering each aspect, the averages could be ordered from least to greatest as follows:
1) Educational supervision (µ = 3.17, = 0.68) 2) Educational curriculum development (µ = 3.37,
= 0.71).3) Learning process development (µ = 3.39,
= 0.62) and desirable conditions of academic administration in multicultural schools: a case study of
Kaenoisuksa School. Under Chiangmai Primary Education Service Area Office 3 overall was at the highest level (µ = 4.52, = 0.47), and when considering each aspect,
the averages could be ordered from descending as follows: 1) Insurance system development and internal quality in educational institutions (µ = 4.63, = 0.51) 2) Evaluation, evaluation, and transfer of learning results (µ = 4.62, = 0.50) and 3) research to develop educational quality (µ = 4.61,
= 0.46)
2. Academic Administration Guidelines in Multicultural Schools : A Case Study of Kaenoisuksa School, Under The Chiangmai Primary Education Services Area Office 3 consists of 1) Educational institutions should have a teaching and learning management plan based on the basic education core curriculum and the needs of society, communities, and local communities. 2) Educational institutions should provide teaching and learning based on learners as the main principle according to the context of learners, believing that all learners can develop themselves. 3) Assessment, evaluation, and transfer of learning results should be in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education. 4) There should be a clear internal quality assurance system development plan that is consistent with regulations and criteria. 5) Educational institutions should have various and clear supervision plans and processes. both from inside and outside. 6) Educational institutions should promote, support, and assist teachers. Personnel in research and innovation for education
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