Buddhist Management Innovation Modern Organization

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PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotivungso (Auiwong)


 Buddhist management innovation To be an ethical leader, it should have a long vision, that is, to promote universal and moral support. Appropriately as a colleague Welfare arrangements must be looked upon. To the importance of good people They are those who sacrifice for the organization rather than focus on the talent who have the highest roles because in the public organization system, there are many class systems. Iif ethical leadership doesn't see the value Of the goodness of those who saaifice
themselves for others Will make those who sacrifice discourage and do not want to continue to do good The Buddhist innovation oreanization relies on both the Buddhist culture and the Buddhist dharma and will place more emphasis on the mind and rely on each other as a guideline for more benefits. Which organization There will be stability There must be quality of members Have moral character of members Have the peace of mind of members Has the quality of management Have the virtues of the management There is the peace of the management. There are principles of organizational leadership, these factors will result in the oreanization's existence for a long time. Able to work effectively and efficiently Worth the money and enersy invested Phutthatham has a guideline for human resource development with the belief that Life is study To live, it must be studied all the time. All people who are born must be developed. Once developed, it is considered an animal. Truly sublime.

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How to Cite
Chotivungso (Auiwong), P. (2023). Buddhist Management Innovation Modern Organization. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(3), 10–23. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/262343
Academic Article


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