Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative Organization Personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et
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The objectives of this thesis were to: 1) study the level of Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative Organization personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et 2) compare the Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative
Organization Personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et, classified by gender, age, education level, and position and 3) suggest guideline for operating based on the moral principles of performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of local administrative Organization Personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et. Population includes personnel performing duties in the local government organization. Si Somdet District Roi Et Province, 250 people. The sample group were 152 personnel of local Administrative Organization personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et. The instrument used for data collection was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with content accuracy of 0.67 – 1.00, and confidence of .94.
The result showed that
1. The level of Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative Organization personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et Overall, it’s at a high level. When considering each aspect, in order from the aspect with the highest average to the lowest, was the performance of duties, followed by the performance of responsibility in terms of treating oneself and the side with the lowest mean was the role of treatment.
2. The results of the comparison of the level of opinion towards Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative Organization personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et, classified by gender, age, education level Overall and in each aspect were no different classified by location in terms of treating oneself. The difference was statistically significant at the .05 level, while the other aspects were not different.
3. Recommendations for the Performances of Aparihaniyadhamma of Local Administrative Organization Personnel in Si Somdet District, Roi-Et were personnel should be punctual, government officials must devote time to work, perform duty with care, maintain government secrets in accordance with rules/regulations and orders as well as strictly ethical.
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