The Development of Grade 11 Students’ Problem Solving Thinking Ability and Scientific Communication Skills Using Flipped Classroom With Online Lesson

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Suchada Phuthothip
Somsong Sitti


The objectives of this research were to develop 1) problem solving thinking ability and 2) scientific communication skill in grade 11 students using flipped classroom with online lesson technique which the students had average scores at least 70 percent, and there was the number of students passing the criteria of 70 percent over. Participants of the study were 36 grade 11 students in the first semester of academic year 2022
of Nongkrunsriwittayakarn School under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin, sampled by cluster sampling technique. The design of this research was a
pre-experimental research design by the One-Shot Case Study. The research instruments comprised of 1) 9-lesson plan for 18 hours 2) online lesson in circulatory system and lymphatic system 3) a 30-item 4-choice objective of problems solving thinking ability test and 4) a 4-item subjective of scientific communication skill test. Quantitative data Analytical was analyzed by descriptive statistics consisted of mean, standard deviation, and percentage. Results revealed that
1) the students had average score of problem solving thinking ability for 22.89, accounted for 76.30 percent and there were 29 students passed the criteria accounting for 80.56 percent which was higher than defined criteria.
2) The students had average score of scientific communication skill for 71.67, accounted for 74.65 percent and there were 27 students passed the criteria accounting for 75.00 percent which was higher than defined criteria.

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How to Cite
Phuthothip, S., & Sitti, S. . (2023). The Development of Grade 11 Students’ Problem Solving Thinking Ability and Scientific Communication Skills Using Flipped Classroom With Online Lesson. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 226–237. Retrieved from
Research Article


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