The Satisfaction of Elderly for Receiving of the Elderly Allowance Through an Online E-Payment of Salaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phutthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom
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The results of the research were as follows: Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province at a high level When considering each aspect, it was found that The average level is high in all aspects. The study was divided into 4 aspects, namely 1) the service process process, 2) the service personnel, 3) the payment of premiums through electronic systems, and 4) the problems and obstacles in receiving the living allowance, and 2. The comparative results classified by sex, age, education level, occupation and average monthly income found that the elderly with sex, age and average monthly income Overall and each aspect is not different. For the elderly with education and occupation, there was satisfaction of the elderly in receiving the living allowance through the electronic system of the elderly in Salaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province overall different.
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