The Study of Contextual Problems of Learning and Skills of Local Community

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PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotiwongso


 This research aims to (1) study the conditions of learning context problems and Skill of local communities (2) to propose guidelines for the development of study of contextual problems Learning and skills of local communities using a combination of research methods. Examples groups are: 269 community executives and community executives. The tools used in the research are: The questionnaire had a total confidence value of 0.96 and a structured interview. The statistics used in the study were frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation.
The research found that
1. The problem conditions of learning context and skills of local communities. Overall, there are The highest level of practice and the most practical aspects are learning and using skills. Technology is followed by learning and teamwork skills and learning and learning. Communication skills, respectively. The areas with the lowest practice are learning and skills.
2. Development Guidelines for the Study of Learning Context and Community Skills Problems Local, community leaders should be able to keep up with the technology and provide the technology to Use. Manage various aspects within the community. Use participation and commentary guidelines. Together, there are principles to solve the problem and to choose the right solution. The greatest benefit to the organization is the efficient management of resources in the local community. There is a way to motivate creative and bold personnel to express their opinions and skills. Good communication. Technology is used to communicate clearly, to increase the number of people in the network Operational Standards

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How to Cite
Chotiwongso, P. (2022). The Study of Contextual Problems of Learning and Skills of Local Community. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 313–327. Retrieved from
Research Article


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