The construction of instructional package for basic Pin: esan musical instrument for the 1st year folk music students in Khon Kaen University

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Kittithuch Mariwan


           This is quantitative research. The objective is to create and study the effectiveness of the basic instrumental teaching kit and to study the satisfaction of the learner towards the basic instrumentation teaching series, which uses a collaborative learning method, using a group of 5 students as students of the First Year of The Bachelor of Music Program, Indigenous Music, Faculty of Fine Arts, Khon Kaen University, a total duration of 6 weeks, 1 period per week, 2 hours a day, including 12 hours. Research included 1) a series of basic orchestration teaching sessions, 2) pre-school and post-study tests, 3) sub-tests, 4) skills training satisfaction questionnaires, finding that the basic instrumental teaching set was 81.3/86, which was above the set 80/80 threshold, and the sample students were satisfied with a basic instrumental teaching suite of 4.27, which was the most satisfied level.

          Therefore, it can be concluded that Using the basic Phin instruction set from the sample group test making the sample group effective in learning develop the highest Phin playing skills and gain satisfaction in the basic Phin teaching set.

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How to Cite
Mariwan, K. . (2023). The construction of instructional package for basic Pin: esan musical instrument for the 1st year folk music students in Khon Kaen University. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 122–131. Retrieved from
Research Article


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