The development of a learning management model based on the teaching approach that integrates the philosophy of sufficiency economy to promote desirable characteristics of grade 4 students Social studies, Religion, and Culture Department

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Rommanee Budjuntra


 The main objective of this research is to development of a learning management model based on the teaching approach that integrates the philosophy of sufficiency economy to promote desirable characteristics of grade 4 students Social Studies, Religion, and Culture Department. It is research and development. The researcher conducted the research in 4 steps: 1) A study of the problems and needs of learning management according to the teaching integrating the philosophy of sufficiency economy. 2) to create a learning management model. 3) to experiment with the learning management model and 4) to assess the learning management model. The tools used for data collection were a rating scale questionnaire, interview form, group conversation recording form data analysis. Analyzed by finding the frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
1. The results of the study of problems and demands in learning management according to the teaching integrating the philosophy of sufficiency economy as a whole found that the students' parents thought that desirable characteristics of students at present It is at a very practical level. And there is a need for learning management according to teaching that integrates the philosophy of sufficiency economy to promote the desirable characteristics of students at a high level.
2. The results of the development of the learning management model found that the learning management model in line with the teaching integrated the philosophy of sufficiency economy. There are seven key components: principles, objectives, learning management process, social system, support system, conditions for implementing the model, and evaluation. The process of learning management consisted of 5 steps: Step 1 Understanding. Step 2 Content Learning. Step 3 Practice the Activity. Step 4 Applying and Step 5 Conclusion. The elements of the model found that the learning management model was appropriate. Accuracy and utilization possibilities accounted for 100 percent. The results of the audit were 83.81/83.22, considered to be more effective than the specified criteria.
3. Assessment results of desirable characteristics of grad 4 students studying with a learning management model based on teaching integrating the philosophy of
sufficiency economy Social Studies, Religion and Culture Department found that 3.1) when comparing the scores of cognitive characteristics of sufficiency economy learning Social Studies, Religion and Culture Department. It was found that the students' test scores after using the learning management model were significantly higher than before using the learning management model at the .05 level and 3.2) students had scores for assessing desirable characteristics according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Overall, it's a very good level. 4. The satisfaction assessment results found that students who study with a learning management model in line with teaching that integrates the philosophy of sufficiency economy. To promote desirable characteristics of grade 4 students in the Social Studies, Religion and Culture Department Satisfaction at a high level

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How to Cite
Budjuntra , . R. (2022). The development of a learning management model based on the teaching approach that integrates the philosophy of sufficiency economy to promote desirable characteristics of grade 4 students Social studies, Religion, and Culture Department. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 230–244. Retrieved from
Research Article


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