Commercial Management Model of Lao National Stadium

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Viraphong Phomduangsy
Thumanoon Paukatong


 This study aimed to examine management of Lao National Stadium in currents situation and commercial management model of Lao National Stadium. Constructivism paradigm and phenomenological strategies of inquiry were adopted in this research by the author, while the tool was the interview forms. Two sample groups were in-depth interviewed: 1) 24 informants on performance and management of Lao National Stadium such as national policy executive, department manager and service user; 2) 10 auditors such as national stadium executive and scholar, inspecting and verifying its commercial management model. Also, the data analysis were examined using content analysis and triangulation method to ensure greater reliability. The study results revealed that Lao National Stadium’s commercial management model had 1) principles, 2) model’s goals, 3) management elements - 3.1) policy and administration, namely, policy formulation, management, monitoring, and control, 3.2) human resource management, 3.3) area zone management, 3.4) activities management, 3.5) revenue and budget management, 3.6) environment and facility management, and 3.7) marketing management and public relations, 4) driving factors - 4.1) government policies, regulations, and budget, 4.2) network, 5) model output, and 6) model
implementation. All parts or elements should be incorporated in model implementation, and the selection of one given element or part should be avoided. Its implementation should be continually monitored and examined by a committee appointed from various sectors. The guideline, practice and model implementation success should be propagated so that agencies or communities in other areas or provinces could apply them as a direction.

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How to Cite
Phomduangsy, V., & Paukatong, T. (2022). Commercial Management Model of Lao National Stadium. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(3), 157–172. Retrieved from
Research Article


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