Development of Organic Tourism Activities Model by the Community Participatory Learning Process A Case Study of Mae Wa Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province Development of Organic Tourism Activities Model by the Community Participatory Learning Process A Case Study of Mae Wa Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province

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Jirachai Yomkerd
Winit Pharcharuen


 The objectives of this research were to study, analyze, and survey the potential of community tourist attractions and the development of an organic tourism activity model by a participatory learning process of the community in Mae Wa sub-district, Thoen district, Lampang province. This research was carried out using a qualitative research method. The population used a specific sample selection of 60 people, consisting of 60 members of the Sub-District Administrative Organization, local leaders, the private sector, community leaders, agricultural groups, and the private sector. The research also emphasizes the use of participatory research as a tool to create a collaborative learning process, by jointly searching for organic farming attractions and collecting data from interviews, surveys, observations, group discussions and brainstorming meetings. The data were analysed and synthesised the content according to the topics studied and were then presented in a descriptive form The result of the research found that: The potential of Mae Wa sub-district has a structure that is conducive to tourism management because there are various social capitals in terms of natural resources, local culture, local wisdom, and learning resources, Therefore, led to community-based tourism activities and the development of organic tourism activities through a participatory learning process of the community that is appropriate to the local potential and context, which consist of 12 activities as follows: activity 1: Integrated organic farming learning activity. activity 2: Traditional Rajasthani wild sweet vegetable learning activity. Activity 3: Organic sweet vegetable planting method. activity 4: Community product processing activities from organic sweet vegetables activity 5: Local food activity from native plants activity 6: Arts and crafts activities of loom weaving activity 7: local wisdom on basketry activity, activity 8: herbal massage for traditional health activities, activity 9 cultural and community relations activities, activity 10: nature trail study activities, activity 11: Royal initiatives learning activities. Activity 12 camping and homestay activities, this pattern may be called “MAE WA ORGANIC TOURISM MODEL”. This is a model that experts and communities have assessed and had been approved by the community forum.

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How to Cite
Yomkerd, J., & Pharcharuen, W. . (2022). Development of Organic Tourism Activities Model by the Community Participatory Learning Process A Case Study of Mae Wa Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province: Development of Organic Tourism Activities Model by the Community Participatory Learning Process A Case Study of Mae Wa Subdistrict, Thoen District, Lampang Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(2), 133–145. Retrieved from
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