The Belief on the Building of Wooden Buddha of Isan People

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Phra Khomsan Thapkhampha
Jaras Leeka
Phramaha Jaroon Ritthithit


This academic paper aims to present the belief in the building of wooden Buddha of Isan people, it was found that, 1) the builders of the wooden Buddha would be born in the religion of Phra Sri Ariya Maitreya, 2) the worshiping of the wooden Buddha, built and passed the ceremony of Buddhabhisek, would be sacred with the Buddha’s power, 3) it is the prolonging of Buddhism with the belief of Isan people that once ordained for one year one has to carve at least one wooden Buddha aiming at commemorating and confirming of the guarantee of entering into the ascetic life, 4) it is the prolonging and performing of a long life ceremony to the ill heath persons, or exorcising the various misfortunes. it is the popular practice that when the sick one recovered from ill health, he would carve a wooden Buddha, then takes it into the temple; this is created for
fulfilling one’s vow, and prolonging one’s life, and 5) it is the dedication of benefaction to the parents with the advantage of building this wooden Buddha. Apart from the merit of the builder, it is the dedication of merit to relatives who passed away, once those who have got misery, they would relieve from misery with the Buddha’s power

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How to Cite
Thapkhampha, P. K. ., Leeka, J., & Ritthithit, P. J. . (2022). The Belief on the Building of Wooden Buddha of Isan People. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(3), 26–40. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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