The Management of Buddhist Agriculture in Khwaorai Subdistrict Kosumphisai District Mahasarakham Province การจัดการเกษตรวิถีพุทธในตำบลเขวาไร่ อำเภอโกสุมพิสัย จังหวัดมหาสารคาม

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Phramahaprathak Phuripanyo (Seelaklang)
Phrakru Suthikhampeeragan
Adul lanwong


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study Buddhist agricultural management; 2) to study Buddhist agricultural management in Khwao Rai Sub-district, Kosum Phisai District, MahaSarakham Province; 3) to analytically study Buddhist agricultural management in KhwaoRai Sub-district. This research is qualitative research. The research instruments were: an in-depthinterview form, an observation form and a discussion form. The obtained data were analyzedbased on the research methodology and presented by Descriptive Analysis.The research results showed that Buddhist agriculture management has encounteredproblems and the general conditions of natural resources and the environment. Buddhism playsan important role in conservation of nature according to the disciplines of the Buddha to makethe monks be a good example to the people and in accordance with the natural law andenvironment. This benefits both ways: benefits of the monks to the environment and society. Management of Buddhist agriculture in Khwao Rai Subdistrict in agriculture, there aresoil, water, pollution, forest and organic fertilizer management by applying Buddhist principles:Iddhipda 4, Dihadhammikattha 4 and Sammjva. Based on the analysis of Buddhist agricultural management in Khwao Rai Subdistrict, it has affected in 4 aspects: Social Aspect: to bring a livable society back to a traditional societywhere there is mutual support, love and unity; Economy: to reduce expenses and increase incomefor farmers; Community: the community is safe from thieves; Environment and health of peoplein the community: to reduce pollution in the community and chemicals for better health.

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How to Cite
(Seelaklang), P. P. ., Suthikhampeeragan, P. ., & lanwong, A. . (2022). The Management of Buddhist Agriculture in Khwaorai Subdistrict Kosumphisai District Mahasarakham Province: การจัดการเกษตรวิถีพุทธในตำบลเขวาไร่ อำเภอโกสุมพิสัย จังหวัดมหาสารคาม. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(2), 337–350. Retrieved from
Research Article


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