Professional Ethics and Professional Education Administrators in the 21st Century

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Wanida Saninta
Phra Honda Vadasatto


 School administrators in the 21st century are the ones who are truly important in managing schools effectively and efficiently. Although there are new technologies But still can not replace the quality management. Administrators not only manage
educational institutions but it is necessary to strictly adhere to professional ethics in the professional practice of educational administrators as an educational occupation which educational professionals need to be highly responsible, Consciousness in performing duties for the development of learners and people to be knowledgeable and capable of living, able to engage in careers in order to be good citizens of the nation. The practice of educational institution administrators in accordance with the professional ethics of the administrators is another way to make the administrators aware of the performance of their duties. Educational professionals must be able to act as a role model for society by being a person who has integrity and ethics as the principle of self-ruling dominate people and dominate jobs Executives must have the potential and competence of being a professional manager. Especially in the 21st century and the education reform of
Thailand that aims to develop Thai people to be good people, smart people, have a conscience of being Thai. Participate in social building, knowledge building, morality, reconciliation and compassion. Therefore, professional ethics and professional
management. Therefore, it is something that every executive should be aware of and appreciate to solve corruption problems misbehavior sexual offender Indecent adultery and corruption. The practice of educational institution administrators in accordance with the professional ethics of the administrators is another way to make the administrators aware of the performance of their duties in order to lead oneself to become a
professional executive and is accepted by the faith of society.

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How to Cite
Saninta, W., & Vadasatto, P. H. . (2022). Professional Ethics and Professional Education Administrators in the 21st Century. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 38–50. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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