The Morality and Ethical Development for Teachers การพัฒนาคุณธรรมจริยธรรมสำหรับครู

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Phrakhru Vinaiyakankovit


Morality is a characteristic of a merit in mind which leads to the feeling of responsibility that influences good deeds. Good behavior which is the principle of the behavior, the principle of living, the behavior in a good frame is collectively called ‘Morality’ such as no live killings, no interference, no theft, and no sexual misconduct. The Teacher’s Ethics and Integrity refers to the right behavior in morality, ethnicity, and integrity of teachers which is a good example for their students and the society to build faith towards the teaching profession. The characteristics of good teachers are that teachers should study, learn, and improve themselves always, including managing the classroom to make it a supportive place for learning. This is for the students to develop themselves continuously in order for them to have guidelines in how to train and apply the principles that will help them become expert teachers who are equipped with morality, ethnicity, and integrity. The criteria consist of the following; 1) Teachers should behave suitably according to the profession with integrity, 2) Teachers should get to know each student individually and analyze each student, 3) Teachers should make sure that their lesson plans are student-centered and practical skills centered too, and 4) Teachers should always study and develop themselves, altogether with precepts and morality practices

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How to Cite
Vinaiyakankovit, P. (2022). The Morality and Ethical Development for Teachers: การพัฒนาคุณธรรมจริยธรรมสำหรับครู. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(2), 1–12. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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